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Terms of service


  • These Terms of service define the general conditions, rules and manner of providing services by TRN Karol

     Różański with its registered office in Toruń via the website: (hereinafter referred to as: “Website”).

§ 1 Definitions

  • Terms of service – stands for the Terms of service of the Website.
  • Website – stands for the websites under which the Service Provider

     runs the Website, operating in the domain of

  • Contract – stands for a contract concluded at a distance, on the terms set out in the Terms of service,

     between the User and the Service Provider via the Website.

  • Service Provider – stands for Karol Różański running a business under

     TRN Karol Różański with its registered office in Toruń (87-100), Szymanskiego 5 St., VAT no:

     9562050692, REGON: 341073414, entered into the Central Register and Information on Business

     Economic Department run by the Minister of Development, Labor and Technology; e-mail:, which is also the owner of the Website.

  • User – stands for an entity using the functionality of the Website, for whom services are provided by the Service

     Provider, having full capacity to legal actions.

§ 2 General provisions and use of the Website

  • All rights to the Website, including proprietary copyrights,

     intellectual property of its name, Internet domain, Website,

     as well as patterns, forms, logos belong to the Service Provider, and the use of them

     may only take place in the manner specified and in accordance with the Terms of service.

     2. The Service Provider will make every effort to ensure that the use of the Website is possible for

     Internet users using all popular web browsers,

     operating systems, device types and Internet connection types. Minimal

     technical requirements enabling the use of the Website

     is a web browser’s version of at least Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 89,

     FireFox 86, Opera 53 or Safari 5 with Javascript enabled,

     accepting cookies and an internet connection with a bandwidth of at least 512

     kbit/s. The website of the Service is responsive and dynamically adapts to every

     screen resolution.

     3. The service provider uses the mechanism of “cookies”, which when used by

     Users of the Website are saved by the Service Provider’s server on

     the User’s end device. The use of “cookies” is intended to improve the

     operations of the Website on Users’ end devices.

     This mechanism does not destroy the User’s end device and does not cause changes to any

     configuration in the Users’ end devices or in the software

     installed on these devices. Each User can disable the mechanism of

     “cookies” in the web browser of their end device. The service provider

     indicates that disabling “cookies” may, however, cause difficulties or prevent the User from

     using the Website.

     4. It is forbidden for the User to provide unlawful content and

     use the Website

     or services provided by the Service Provider, in a manner contrary to the law, good

     customs, violating the personal rights of third parties or the legitimate interests of the Service Provider.

     5. The Service Provider declares that the public nature of the Internet and the use of services

     provided electronically may involve the risk of obtaining and

     modification of Users’ data by unauthorized persons, therefore Users

     should use appropriate technical measures to minimize the above

     threats. In particular, usage of antivirus and identity protection programs while

     using the Internet is advised.

     6. The User is entitled to use the resources of the Website only

     For their own use. It is not allowed to use the resources and functions of the Website

     in order for the User to conduct activities that would infringe the interest of the

     service providers.


§ 3 Services

  • The Service Provider provides free services to Users by electronic means.

     Services are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

     2. The Service Provider provides the Users with the following services by electronic means

     free of charge: a) Contact form

     The Contact Form service consists in sending using the form provided

     messages to the Service Provider on the Website. In order to use the service

     3. The User completes the form available on the Website and submits its

     completed form electronically to the Service Provider by selecting the proper

     function in the form.

     4. Resignation from the Contact Form service is possible at any time and consists in

     ceasing sending messages to the Service Provider.

     5. The Service Provider is entitled to block access to free services, including

     in the event of the User acting to the detriment of the Service Provider or other Users,

     violation by the User of the law or the provisions of the Terms of service.

     Blocking the access to free services is especially justified by security reasons –

     in particular: breaking the security of the Website by the User

    or other hacking activities. Blocking access to free services from

     for the above-mentioned reasons lasts for the period necessary to resolve the constituting issue.

     The service provider notifies the

     User about the intention to block access to free electronic services

     to the address provided by the User in the content posting form.


§ 4 Complaints

  • The User may submit complaints to the Service Provider in connection with the use of the services

     provided electronically by the Service Provider. A complaint may be filed in

     electronic form and sent to the Service Provider’s e-mail address. Within the notice of complaint

     the User should include a description of the problem. The service provider will

    consider complaints and provide

     reply to the User’s e-mail address provided in the complaint within 14 days.

  • The Service Provider enables the User, who is a Consumer, to use

     out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes. The authorized entity and

     the competent court for the Service Provider is the Court in Toruń.

§ 5 Protection of personal data

     The rules for the protection of Personal Data are included in the Privacy Policy.


§ 6 Withdrawal from the Contract

  • A user who has concluded a distance contract may withdraw from it within 14 days

     without giving a reason.

  • The deadline for withdrawal starts from the date of conclusion of the contract.
  • The User may withdraw from the contract by submitting a statement of withdrawal to the Service Provider.

     The statement may be submitted in a form, the template of which has been posted by

     the Service Provider on the Website at the address: Withdrawal form. In order to meet the deadline, it is enough

     to send a statement before its expiry.

  • In the event of withdrawal from the contract, it is considered void.

§ 7 Termination of the contract

  • Both the User and the Service Provider may terminate the contract for the provision of services

     electronically at any time and without giving reasons, subject to retention

     rights acquired by the other party before the termination of the above-mentioned agreements and provisions


  • The parties may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services by submitting

     an appropriate declaration of will, in particular using any means of communication

     at a distance, in a way that allows the other party to get acquainted with it.

     § 8 Final provisions and amendments to the Terms of service

  • The content of these Terms of service may be recorded by printing, saving on

     medium or download at any time from the Website.

  • The Service Provider informs the User who is a Consumer about the possibility of using

     out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims. Access Policy

     for these procedures are available at the offices or on the websites of the entities

     entitled to out-of-court settlement of disputes. In particular, they can be

     consumer ombudsmen or Voivodship Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection, the list of which

     is available on the website of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection under

     at The Service Provider informs that under

     The online platform is available at

     a system for settling disputes between consumers and traders at EU level

     EU (ODR platform).

  • In the event of a dispute arising on the basis of the concluded contract for the provision of services by road

     electronically, the parties will endeavour to resolve the matter amicably. Applicable law

     for the resolution of any disputes arising on the basis of these Terms of service is the Polish law.

  • The Service Provider reserves the right to change these Terms of service. All contracts for

     provision of services by electronic means concluded before the date of entry into force of the new one

     of the Terms of service are implemented on the basis of the Terms of service that were in force on the date of conclusion of the contract for the provision of electronic services. The amendment to the Terms of service comes into force on

within 7 days of posting on the Website. The Service Provider will inform the User 7 days before the entry into force of the new Terms of service about the change in the Terms of service by means of an e-mail message containing a link to the text of the amended Terms of service. If the User does not accept the new content of the Terms of service, they are obliged to notify the Service Provider of this fact, which results in a termination of the contract

in accordance with the provisions of §7.

  • Agreements with the Service Provider are concluded in Polish.
  • The Terms of service come into force on July 5, 2021.