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Privacy Policy

1. This Privacy Policy sets out the rules for the processing of personal data obtained via the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

2. The owner of the Website and at the same time the data controller is Karol Różański running a business under the name TRN Karol Różański with its registered office in Toruń (87-100), Szymańskiego 5, entered into the Central Register and Information on Business Activity kept by the Minister of Development, Labor and of Technology, NIP: 9562050692, REGON: 341073414, hereinafter referred to as TRN Karol Różański.

3. Personal data collected by TRN Karol Różański via the Website are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), also referred to as GDPR.

4. TRN Karol Różański takes special care to respect the privacy of Users visiting the Website.


§ 1 Type of data processed, purposes and legal basis

1. TRN Karol Różański collects information on natural persons performing legal transactions not directly related to their activity, natural persons conducting on their own behalf

business or professional activity and natural persons representing legal persons or organizational units that are not legal persons, to whom the act grants legal capacity, hereinafter jointly referred to as Users.

2. Users’ personal data is collected in the case of:

a) using the contact form service on the Website in order to perform the contract provided electronically. Legal basis: necessity to perform the contract for the provision of the contact form service (Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR);

3. When using the contact form service, the User provides the following data:

a) e-mail address;

b) first name;

c) telephone number.

4. When using the Website, additional information may be downloaded, in particular: the IP address assigned to the User’s computer or the external IP address of the Internet provider, domain name, browser type, access time, operating system type.

5. Navigational data may also be collected from Users, including information about links and references which they decide to click or other activities undertaken on the Website. Legal basis – legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), consisting in facilitating the use of services provided electronically and improving the functionality of these services.

6. In order to establish, pursue and enforce claims, some personal data provided by the User as part of using the functionality on the Website may be processed, such as

such as: name, surname, data on the use of services, if the claims result from the way in which the User uses the services, other data necessary to prove the existence of the claim, including

the extent of the damage suffered. Legal basis – legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), consisting in determining, pursuing and enforcing claims and defending against claims in proceedings before courts and other state authorities.

7. The transfer of personal data to TRN Karol Różański is voluntary.


§ 2 Who are the data made available to or entrusted to and how long are they stored?

8. The User’s personal data is transferred to service providers used by TRN Karol Różański when running the Website. Service providers to whom the data is transferred

personal data, depending on contractual arrangements and circumstances, or are subject to the instructions of TRN Karol Różański as to the purposes and methods of data processing (processors) or independently determine the purposes and methods of their processing (administrators).

a) Processors. TRN Karol Różański uses suppliers who process personal data only at the request of TRN Karol Różański. They include e.g. providers providing hosting services, accounting services, marketing systems, systems for analyzing traffic on the Website, systems for analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns;

b) Administrators. TRN Karol Różański uses suppliers who do not act only on instructions and set the purposes and methods of using Users’ personal data on their own. They provide electronic payment and banking services.

9. Location. Service providers are based in Poland and other countries of the European Economic Area (EEA).

10. Users’ personal data is stored:

a) If the basis for the processing of personal data is consent, then the User’s personal data is processed by TRN Karol Różański until the consent is revoked, and

after revoking the consent, for a period of time corresponding to the period of limitation of claims that TRN Karol Różański may incur and that may be raised against him. Unless a special provision provides otherwise, the limitation period is six years, and for claims for periodic benefits and claims related to running a business – three years.

b) If the basis for data processing is the performance of the contract, then the User’s personal data is processed by TRN Karol Różański as long as it is necessary to perform the contract, and after that time for a period corresponding to the period of limitation of claims. Unless a special provision provides otherwise, the limitation period is six years, and for claims for periodic benefits and claims related to running a business – three years.

11. Navigation data may be used to provide Users with better service, analyze statistical data and adapt the Website to Users’ preferences, and also administering the Website.

12. In the event of a TRN request, Karol Różański provides personal data to authorized state authorities, in particular organizational units of the Prosecutor’s Office, the Police, the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection or the President of the Office of Electronic Communications.


§ 3 Cookie mechanism, IP address

1. The website uses small files called cookies. They are saved by TRN Karol Różański on the end device of the person visiting the Website, if the web browser allows it. A cookie file usually contains the name of the domain it comes from, its “expiration time” and an individual, randomly selected number identifying this file. Information collected using this type of files helps to adjust the products offered by TRN Karol Różański to individual preferences and real needs of people visiting the Website. They also give the opportunity to develop general statistics of visits to the presented products on the Website.

2. TRN Karol Różański uses two types of cookies:

a) Session cookies: after the browser session ends or the computer is turned off, the saved information is deleted from the device’s memory. The session cookies mechanism does not allow for downloading any personal data or any confidential information from the Users’ computers.

b) Persistent cookies: they are stored in the memory of the User’s end device and remain there until they are deleted or expire. The mechanism of persistent cookies does not allow downloading any personal data or any confidential information from the Users’ computer.

3. TRN Karol Różański uses its own cookies in order to:

a) analyzes and research as well as audience audits, in particular to create anonymous statistics,

which help to understand how Users use the Website, co

allows you to improve its structure and content.

4. TRN Karol Różański uses external cookies to:

a) collecting general and anonymous static data via Google Analytics analytical tools (administrator of external cookies: Google Inc based in the USA);

b) popularizing the Website using the social network (administrator of external cookies: Facebook Inc based in the USA or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland);

c) popularizing the Website using Instagram (administrator of external cookies: Instagram LLC. based in the USA);

d) presentation of the Reliable Regulations Certificate via the website (administrator of external cookies: Rzetelna Grupa sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw).

5. The cookie mechanism is safe for the computers of the Website Users. In particular, this way it is not possible to get viruses or other unwanted software or malware to the Users’ computers. Nevertheless, in their browsers, Users have the option of limiting or disabling the access of cookies to computers. If you use this option, the use of the Website will be possible, except for the functions that by their nature require cookies.

6. Below we present how to change the settings of popular web browsers regarding the use of cookies:

a) Internet Explorer browser;

b) Microsoft EDGE browser;

c) Mozilla Firefox browser;

d) Chrome and Chrome Mobile browser;

e) Safari and Safari Mobile browser;

f) Opera browser.

7. TRN Karol Różański may collect Users’ IP addresses. The IP address is a number assigned to the computer of the person visiting the Website by the Internet service provider. The IP number allows access to the Internet. In most cases, it is assigned to the computer dynamically, i.e. it changes each time you connect to the Internet. The IP address is used by TRN Karol Różański when diagnosing technical problems with the server, creating statistical analyzes (e.g. determining from which regions we record the most visits), as information useful in administering and improving the Website, as well as for security purposes and possible identification of incriminating server, undesirable automatic programs for viewing the content of the Website.

8. The website contains links and references to other websites. TRN Karol Różański is not responsible for the privacy protection rules applicable to them.


§ 4 Rights of data subjects

9. The right to withdraw consent – legal basis: art. 7 sec. 3 GDPR.

a) The User has the right to withdraw any consent given to TRN Karol Różański.

b) Withdrawal of consent takes effect from the moment of withdrawal of consent.

c) Withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing carried out by TRN Karol Różański in accordance with the law before its withdrawal.

d) Withdrawal of consent does not entail any negative consequences for the User, however, it may prevent further use of services or functionalities which, according to TRN law,

Karol Różański can testify only with consent.

10. The right to object to data processing – legal basis: art. 21 GDPR.

a) The User has the right to object at any time – for reasons related to his particular situation – to the processing of his personal data, including profiling, if TRN Karol Różański processes his data based on a legitimate interest, e.g. marketing TRN Karol Różański products and services, keeping statistics on the use of individual functionality of the Website and facilitating the use of the Website, as well as satisfaction surveys.

b) Resignation in the form of an e-mail from receiving marketing messages regarding products or services will mean the User’s objection to the processing of his personal data, including profiling for these purposes.

c) If the User’s objection turns out to be justified and TRN Karol Różański will have no other legal basis for the processing of personal data, the User’s personal data will be deleted, the processing of which the User has objected to.

11. The right to delete data (“the right to be forgotten”) – legal basis: art. 17 GDPR.

a) The User has the right to request the deletion of all or some of his personal data.

b) The User has the right to request the deletion of personal data if:

a. personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or for which they were processed;

b. withdrew a specific consent to the extent that personal data was processed on the basis of his/her consent agreement;

c. objected to the use of his data for marketing purposes;

d. personal data is processed unlawfully;

e. personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation

provided for in Union law or the law of a Member State, to whom TRN Karol Różański subject to;

f. personal data has been collected in connection with offering information society services.

12. Despite the request to delete personal data, in connection with the objection or withdrawal of consent, TRN Karol Różański may retain certain personal data to the extent that processing is necessary to establish, pursue or defend claims, as well as to compliance with a legal obligation requiring processing by Union law or law of the Member State to which TRN Karol Różański is subject. This applies in particular to data personal data including: name, surname, e-mail address, which data are kept for the purposes consideration of complaints and claims related to the use of TRN Karol Różański services, or in addition, the order number, which data is retained for the purpose of handling complaints and claims related to concluded contracts.

13. The right to limit data processing – legal basis: art. 18 GDPR.

a) The user has the right to request the restriction of the processing of his personal data. Registration request, until it is considered, it prevents the use of certain functionalities or services, the use of which will involve the processing of data covered by the request. TRN Karol Różański will also not send any messages, including marketing ones.

b) The user has the right to request the restriction of the use of personal data in the following cases:

a. when he questions the correctness of his personal data – then TRN Karol Różański limits

their use for the time needed to verify the correctness of the data, but not longer than for 7 days;

b. when the processing of data is unlawful, and instead of deleting the data, the User requests the restriction of their use;

c. when personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or

used but they are needed by the User in order to establish, investigate or defend claims;

d. when he objected to the use of his data – then the limitation takes place for a period of time

needed to consider whether, due to a particular situation, the protection of interests, rights and of the User’s freedom outweighs the interests pursued by the Administrator by processing the data User’s personal information.

14. Right of access to data – legal basis: art. 15 GDPR. The User has the right to:

a) obtain confirmation from the Administrator whether he processes personal data, if this is the case, the User has the right to: a. access their personal data;

b) obtain information about the purposes of processing, categories of processed personal data, recipients or categories of recipients of this data, the planned period of User’s data storage

or about the criteria for determining this period (when specifying the planned period data processing is not possible), about the rights of the User under the GDPR and about the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, about the source of this data, about the automated one making decisions, including profiling and the safeguards used in connection with transferring this data outside the European Union;

c. obtain a copy of your personal data.

15. The right to rectify data – legal basis: art. 16 GDPR.

a) The User has the right to request the Administrator to immediately rectify the data his personal information that is incorrect. Taking into account the purposes of processing, The data subject has the right to request completion of incomplete data personal data, including by submitting an additional statement, sending a request to the postal address electronically in accordance with §5 of the Privacy Policy.

16. The right to transfer data – legal basis: art. 20 GDPR.

a) The User has the right to receive his personal data that he provided to the Administrator, then send them to another personal data administrator of your choice. The User also has the right to request that personal data be sent by the Administrator directly to such administrator, if technically possible. In this case The Administrator will send the User’s personal data in the form of a file in the csv format, which is in a commonly used, machine-readable format sending the received data to another personal data administrator.

17. In the event of the User exercising the right resulting from the above rights, TRN Karol Różański complies with the request or refuses to comply with it immediately, but no later than on within a month of receiving it. However, if – due to the complicated nature of the request or number of requests – TRN Karol Różański will not be able to meet the request within a month, he will fulfil them within the next two months by informing the User in advance within one month of receipt request – about the intended extension of the deadline and its reasons.

18. The User may submit complaints, inquiries and requests regarding processing to the Administrator his personal data and the exercise of his rights.

19. The user has the right to request TRN Karol Różański to provide copies of standard clauses contracts by directing the inquiry in the manner indicated in §5 of the Privacy Policy.

20. The User has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Data Protection Office Personal, in the scope of violation of his rights to the protection of personal data or other rights granted under the GDPR.


§ 5 Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy may change, which TRN Karol Różański will inform Users about 7 days in advance.

Questions related to the Privacy Policy should be sent to:

Date of last modification: May 18, 2022